The European Shooting Sports Forum (ESSF) is an informal platform where representatives of international bodies active at European level in the fields of sports shooting, hunting, firearms collecting, trade and industry maintain an open dialogue to discuss issues of common interest, in particular the environmental, legal, political and socio-economic aspects of such activities.
The ESSF is composed of the following organisations:
Association of European Manufacturers of Sporting Firearms (ESFAM)
Association of European Sporting Ammunition Manufacturers (AFEMS)
European Association of the Civil Commerce of Weapons (AECAC)
European Shooting Sports Council (ESSC) that represents, inter alia,
European Shooting Confederation (ESC)
Federation Internationale de Tir aux Armes Sportives et de Chasse (FITASC)
Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (FACE)
Foundation for European Societies of Arms Collectors (FESAC)
Institut Européen des Armes de Chasse et de Sport (IEACS)
The following organisations are accorded Observer status
International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC)
International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF)
The sectors employ more than 600,000 people in Europe and the annual turnover is around € 40 billion, when including the revenues generated by hunting and shooting activities, as a whole. All in all, this includes 14,000 retailers, 300,000 collectors and over 10 million hunters and sport shooters in Europe.
E-mail: essf@shootingforum.eu
Tel.:+39 06 5903510
Fax: +39 06 54282691
ESSF Secretariat
Viale dell'Astronomia, 30
00144 Rome (Italy)
© 2021 ESSF